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Welcome to the Houser Clinic

Medication Expectations

Medication Expectations

No medication may be transported to school by a student.

All medication, whether prescription or over the counter, must be brought to the school nurse.

All medications must be in the original bottle with prescription label intact. All over the counter medications must be age appropriate.

This includes cough drops. 

Emergency Illnesses at School

Emergency Illnesses at School

It is very important that you complete the online health information page. Completing this form gives you an opportunity to list any medical conditions, allergies, medications, and concerns you may have. Also included is emergency information for the clinic staff to use in order to contact you or a person you designate if consultation is required regarding your child.

Illness at school is evaluated by the health service staff in the clinic area. A child who demonstrates the following symptoms should be sent home from school:

  1. Fever of 100 degrees or more.
  2. Suspected contagious condition or disease.
  3. Vomiting or diarrhea.
  4. Severe stomachache, headache, or earache.
  5. Too ill to function in the classroom.

Conroe ISD Health Services

Click the link below to view more information regarding health services.

CISD Health Services

Commonly Asked About Illnesses...